DATELINE: Chongqing, China
(Click map for more useful detail)

Author: Lauren Cohen
I know what you're thinking, Dear Reader: "But I thought you weren't going to Chongqing!" Apparently my airline had different plans. I'm currently sitting in the Chongqing airport--actually, outside the airport in the plane, which was *supposed* to have landed in Chengdu. I haven't the faintest idea what's going on, because the announcements are no longer bilingual (I guess the crew's English skills were limited to "please put your seat backs and trays in the upright position.") Even the movie they put on is in Chinese (with Chinese subtitles! What a tease!). I'm popping a kloponin and hoping that I'll be able to follow the lead of my fellow passengers, since they are all in the same boat (er, plane). I'm itching to get to Chengdu, to eat some mapo doufu and see pandas. In the meantime though, I'd settle for stretching my legs and eating some KFC in the airport.